When I was about 16 my mom and I were chatting and (from my recollection)out of nowhere she suggested that I marry someone tan. Her theory on this was that though all of her brothers and sisters were pale, those with tan spouses had tan children. Now let me explain to those of you bronzed babes- this isn't just a vanity plea. I remember many blistering sunburns from the scorching sun. Sunscreen in my eyes at Six Flags and Lagoon. The older I've gotten the more I appreciate my fair skin. I like my freckles and red hair. I slather on sunscreen underneath my make-up, and know that my skin will thank me later.
I often get the question, "What are you looking for in a guy?" Now even though I am not sure I really know the answer to that question I have normally smile and respond with, "tall*, tan**, and temple worthy." I mean really, what else does a girl need? Actually, I just found out.
My boss recently heard some hullabullo on Oprah about a new book by Steve Harvey called "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man." In his book he depicts where women go wrong, and what to look for to know if your relationship is for sport or for keeps. I would recommend this book to all of the ladies out there- single, in a relationship, engaged, or married. So from this book I add to my list "looking for." In addition to a guy who is tall*, tan**, and temple worthy- I would like a man who will profess, protect, and provide. If you know a single gentelman who fits this criteria, feel free to send him my direction.
*I am 5'11" without shoes on, tall is considered this height or taller.
**due to my attraction for red heads, this is negotiable.